Here they are, my current babies! Oliver, trying to get comfy, Winston the small grey one and Ruby being smashed by her big bro Ollie. They are all enjoying the la-z-boy that daddy bought for the nursery. It is currently in teh family room. I wonder how they will do with the new addition? They are all getting quite irritated with how big the belly is getting, mom is not so comfy to lay on anymore. Not so much lap room. Only 9 more weeks! I scheduled the rest of my appointments today for the midwifes. It's starting to get real.
Nursery status...the hardwood is looking great! Jay worked really hard this weekend and I can honestly say it's ALMOST done!!!
I really have been psycho about how much the baby is moving. Was anyone else like that? I didn't sleep a wink last night I was just a worry wart. He moved a lot today during the corporate meeting so I felt much better.
Nothing else to report! Besides...HAPPY 25th BDAY SIS!
Lindsey and Jay-
These ultrasounds are beautiful. They are really clear! I can't believe it's only 9 more weeks. WOW! Great job on the site. BTW, I like I love the name Jayson (super original and sweet).
Love you!
Are your babies going to be jealous? Indy is super jealous of The Cousin. (She tried to kick her. Don't tell anyone.)
Hi sweetie,
Give those grandpuppies a hug for me. They are darling. They will be just fine with the baby. Just takes an introduction in small amounts at a time.
Nana Jan
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