This could quite possible be the softest blanket ever, little greener boy is spoiled all ready! Thanks mom and dad!

Oh la la!!! Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag! A lovely present from my mommy! It' gorgeous! Thanks mom and dad-sickle!

Seriously, how cute is the balloon? My husband was obsessed with it's 'teats' should I be worried?

Here is the nursery, the hardwood is done!!! Jay is going to put up the trim this weekend and do the shelving in the closet too! I can't wait!!! My hubby is a carpentry stud :)
OOOH! Petunia Picklebottom diaper bags are lovely! You'll be the envy of all the other new moms...
The nursery floor looks great!
Have you guys settled on a name? For the baby, not the nursery.
Thanks ladies, any tips on how to keep the pickle clean? We are leaning toward Grant but I also like Caden?!
Ha! I wouldn't know because I was too stupid to let you buy me a Picklebottom! That was not one of my best decisions. Some people's poor choices involve alcohol, drugs, and orange kitchen appliances. Mine involve saying no to Petunia Picklebottoms!
Ya, seriously! I will wear my petunia pickle with pride and love and think of you!
Hi Sweetie
My heart was in CO Last Saturday. How did the shower go? Am looking for some more pictues. I love your pickle bag and all the other goodies too. I believe I saw the name Jayson on the blog earlier. I like that one especially. I wonder why? Ha The floor looks great too. Fatherhood and motherhood brings out all sorts of talents! You all are in our prayers and thoughts 24/7 right now. Much Love, Nana Jan and Papa Ira
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