Friday, October 24, 2008

1st shower!

I have so many pictures from the shower that are so cute. Mostly of other people and of gifts but I broke down and put a FEW of me in their just to satisfy the requests before I even get them. My partner at work and great friend, Jessica, threw it for me and had the brilliant idea of doing a farm theme! I was thilled and it was overwhemingly adorable! We threw it at my house, the poor girls from work, all living in Broomfield, had to drive up. It's a drive but I do it everyday so you won't find a lot of symathy here :) We had around 25 + people in my little house and it was crowded! However, no one else seemed to be quite as hot as me. I had windows open and I noticed women going around shutting them behind me. Here are the pics!

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