He's here and he's sleeping in my arms as I write this. He was born 11/30/08 9:40pm 8 lbs 3 oz. 21 inches. 2 weeks early and he was 8lbs :) I prayed that he would come early and he did, if God was ready if Cade was ready I was too. My prayers were answered and at 7:45 in the morning I started getting strong contractions and 14 hoursish he was born.
The name...well we didn't have it until Friday, he was born on Sunday! It was so tough to pick. We had lists we had tears and we arrived at Cade Grant Greener. At the time we picked I was battling baby blues so I wasn't sure it was right... now I am sure it is.
So I can blabber on about the labor but it's not as fun as talking about Cade! He's an "angel baby" if you have read "The Baby Whisperer" he cries only if he's desperate and it's only for food, oh wait, he hates baths too!
He is my sunshine and the love of my life. I will post lots of pictures... so you all can see. Sorry for taking so long I am still easing into being a mom and was surrounded by the Holidays as well. He's not hard but how do you get the house clean and entertain a baby? How do you do laundry, eat a meal and make sure he get's tummy time? Slowly but surely I am getting it down.
More to come hopefully it won't take 4 weeks again!
COngrats, he's so adorable!
I remember when Eisley first came home I was so stressed about not being able to get any housework (or even little things like my makeup) done with her. But it gets easier every week. I wish someone had told me not to worry, it wouldnt always be so hard.
Post more pictures soon!
OMGoodness---he looks *just like Lannette*!!! Seriously!!!
HUGE congratulations, Lindsey---he is just *perfect*! I am so happy for you guys!
God's blessings on your wonderful new little family of three :-)
~~~Jan Erickson
Cade looks so much like a Sampier! Such a handsome guy.
You and your girlfriends are so cute with all your bebes. Tell Nikki congratulations on her beautiful girl! Is she sure it is hers?? Surely that tiny little Nikki-belly did not conceal an actual BABY within it?
Now all you need is a comment from my dad and you will have a full set.
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