Sunday, September 28, 2008

The 4-D Ultrasound At Last

Well, here you have it ladies and gentleman, the little boy inside me is shaping up to look just like his daddy!!!

If your having trouble "seeing it" it is just his face in all of these, she (the ultrasound gal) really focused on the nose and lips. He has big lips with very clear peaks (similar to mine but too big to be mine) so as we are looking at Jay sure enough they are his! His nose, is well I'm not sure whose nose, it's a bit smashed a little button nose and very cute. His eyes were closed the whole time, which is good cause I guess it looks scary if they open them.

My parents came up to see him as well so my mom, dad, sis and hub and I were all in one small room. It was so much fun and the tears came welling to my eyes. He is going to be wondeful for sure. He is wiggling all around today so a strong healthy one at that.

We had Nikki's shower yesterday, she's due on Dec. 24th (12 days after me) and it was gorgeous. She's having a girl, Adison Nicole. I'm afraid her girl may beat up my girl, for those of you who know Nikki, you would agree! I am so excite for us both. It was fun to see everything she got as well.

One of the now coveted items by me is called a "hooter hider" they are a nursing cover but you can look down and see your baby while they munch away on milk. I must have one, now I have to decide what print to get. So many choices! Another coveted item, super soft barefoot dreams bath towell, Oprah endorsed Barefoot Dreams a while back, they sell them at Nordstrom and I have the robe. The baby will be living in luxury.

My showers are in a just 4 short weeks and after looking at the calendar today my maternity leave starts in 8 weeks!!! What that means for those of you who don't work for Richmond American Homes, only 8 more Monday Morning Meetings at the Tech Center and only 2 more Call-a-thons (dread). I really can't tell you how much that makes me want to get up and dance around excitedly and sing songs at the top of my voice. Both are torture and both will be out of my mind for 12 weeks!!!


Vesuvius At Home said...

Look at those lips, what a beaut!

"Hooter Hider" is hilarious.

Heather said...

Isn't it amazing that you can see their little faces now before they're even born? He's a cutie :)

4D Ultrasounds said...

4D ultrasound (fourth-dimensional) is the latest ultrasound technology allowing you to take 3D ultrasound images with the added element of taking live action movies (4D) of your unborn child. T